Components overview

Technical specifications
Five bladed impeller fan
Five blade impeller made of glass reinforced polyamide. Performance tested to recognised approved world industrystandards.

Reliable Kohler diesel engine. Fuel tanks are connected to a level gauge which displays the fuel level on the control screen.

Straightening vanes
Air exits a fan in a spiral motion which causes the airstream to lose energy. The straightening vanes on the Frostfan take this spiral motion and maximise the energy in the airstream.

Aerodynamically designed to maximise airflow. Having a shroud around the fan is like turbo charging the capacity of air flow.

Techincal specifications
Reliable Kohler diesel engine. Fuel tanks are connected to a level gauge which displays the fuel level on the control screen.

Five blade impeller fan
Five blade impeller made of glass reinforced polyamide. Performance tested to recognised approved world industrystandards. The unique design of the airfoil saves power while reducing noise and providing a highly efficient air flow. Unobstructed air flow away from the tower means there is no hindrance to the air momentum or direction. Fan head is easily angled for protecting crops growing on hills or in valleys. Fan head can be preset to automatically oscillate horizontally.

Straightening vanes
Air exits a fan in a spiral motion which causes the airstream to lose energy. The straightening vanes on the Frostfan take this spiral motion and maximise the energy in the airstream.

Aerodynamically designed to maximise airflow. Having a shroud around the fan is like turbo charging the capacity of air flow.